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sign up here! i'll get back to you within 24 hours

hi there :)

if you've noticed the lack of communities for programmers in leicester, you're not the only one! after a quick google search, we coders quickly realise that the only way for us to connect is globally and online.
there are very few options for us to meet up and collaborate in-person, and i'm sure we're all fustrated about this; we're all looking for a space to share ideas, work on projects together, or simply meet like-minded people!

so let's create what we're all dreaming for.

join our 'coding crew', a found family of people of all skill levels in coding! we'll meet up regularly in public places in leicester, share feedback on projects, and maybe even organise hackathons!

sign up! i'll get back to you within 24 hours. join our local coding crew :)
~ shambhavi, a student in leicester who loves coding!